2/5/11 / 3:19 AM
Lol la.
Hello peeps.
How school? Mine damn ok.
Somehow, I hate some of my friend.
And yeah, I only meet 1 real friend name Ari.
I only have 1 best friend. Also Ari.
Just now, we talk bnyk2.
hahah, he thought me how to timbang tapi tak menjadi.
How we met?
Somehow, on the 2nd week Ari asked my name.
So I told him to ask Aliff.
Haha~ yeayeaa.
How we became close?
Somehow, the time I was so paisey.
I thought Ari is the one who look like Arill's face .
Then at the cross country,
he ruby, I ruby.
We text each other.
hahaa, after that, we continously message smpi skrg.
He told me that my face look like his ex. And he treat me like his ex.
He also treat me like his adek somehow, I'm older than him.
Lol la.
Just now, He want see my ezlink.
Then i go cubit him kuat2.
Then we talk2 uh. Lol la.
Like that we start. And we became bestfriend.