11/29/10 / 1:54 AM
I have finish editing picture fur Rubberband . Weeee ~
Feeyah here . If those bloghoppers did not know who is Feeyah , Look at the picture :D Muhahha , tt is me . Weeeee ~ Not Minah right ? I am NOT a Minahrep like some of dhem think aites . Im just me , little girl . Shortshort one . Weeee ~ Ok , why i suddenly talk bout myself -.-
So PSLE .... -.- Why i kept on saying about PSLE result ? Ok lurh , dont talk bout it anymore kayy Feeyah . Yu over exited ekh girl ? Butbut , Feeyah oi ! Yr result not good , overexited for what ? Kaykay , shuddup !!
So i had submitted my school choices .
- Jurongville Secondary School
- Yuhua Secondary School
- Yuan Ching Secondary School
- Hong Kah Secondary School
- Jurong Secondary School
- Fuhua Secondary School
Im not scared going to my three choices . Weeeee ~ But i still hope im going to Jurongville , amin . Kay i changed dhe background . Ugly ekh ? If ugly tagg aites , idk lurh what to change to . Fiqqy tlg tukarkn aites :D Yu kn pandai buat blogskins . Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
Feeyah Peace Out ✌ *