11/25/10 / 11:46 PM
Obliviously , Feeyah here :DD So , i know dhis blog is kinda dead lurh kann . Yu know , i know . Yu see , i see . Yu monkey , i human . Hahahha . So we had got our result , yes PSLE rusult . Nobody went to Normal Tech . Waaah . I and Cheeda will be going to Normal Acad , yeepeediyarhyeah `yeepeediyeh ! But , i seriously disappointed w/ my result because i get 178 . Solo ! Yu understand ? Solo = So low . Isyh . I cannot go Jurong nor Fuhua . Because of my science lurh , drop till D . What happening to me . Science can aim higher lurh biatch ! Because Science is EVERYWHERE ! It happens around us yu stupid asshole ( referring to me . Jgn terase ) Nehmind , atleast i get C for Maths . Eventho my couzin got 3 A 1 C fur his PSLE result , i still happy w/ mine uhr . I get A for my malay , nk tuka ? Hahhah . Tkpelurh boy , Congratz kau dpt 3A 1C . Express kn ? Wow . Pandai uhr sedare aku . Dpt pujian besarkn ? hmph , bagos lurh kay . Keep working harder aites ! Walaupn dh lame kteorg tk bbl , tapi aku tetap ade feeling nk bbl ngn kau . Hahhaha .
Ok , will be changing dhis skins yeah . Cheekapydhulu ♥