12/1/10 / 9:04 PM
KONICHIWAAA! kay wait, why am I speaking this language? hahah. kay, shut. (:
love how Feeyah edited the pict but, my name was spelled wrongly. -.-'' but, nvm. heheh. chinese people call me that as they can't really pronounce the 'R' properly. HAHAH. i'm so bad. ^^
currently, i'm feeling alone. so boring kay. no one to text. no one to manja`manja with. i'm very sad. ):
well, that's what i get for being single. but, nvm. i don't regret being single. mmg dha tkd yg suke, abeh nk buat ape kaaaaaaaaaaaan? so, i have to just accept the fact & face reality.
hmm, holidays are about to end and 22 is coming soon. i'm pretty much excited to know what school i'll be attending to for the next 4 years. 23, i'll be reporting to new school. um, you guys know something? i'm very scared, actually, to go to a new school. i'm scared that the people there are not friendly & i might get bullied. :/ hmm, i hope at least one of my close friend will accompany me to my new sec school. amin. (:
*looks at Fikriyah's post*
hmm, Feeyah asked me to change the blogskin as i'm good at it? no way. hahah. i'm not an expert kay. i hate editing, i swear. it sucks like hell, man. ): um, but, i'll try to find a skin for this blog kay. but, won't change it soon. as, i'm tired plus lazybumbumbuchok. heheh. okay, bye. i'm done updating. ^^
' / Murfiqah`JavaneseChika \ ' ~ ♥
' / Murfiqah`JavaneseChika \ ' ~ ♥
Labels: nantiakuketok (: